Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Life at Work

Eight weeks ago a co-worker left the law firm where I work for another job opportunity. This has had a direct impact on my life at work since she and I shared the workload in helping the two attorneys in our firm with the cases that they are handling.

It hasn't been easy; there have been both good times and bad. I have experienced every emotion possible from anxiety, frustration, confusion, relief, a sense of accomplishment, peace, contentment, and thankfulness for my job and the help I have received from the attorneys and my fellow co-workers.

From the start I have been confident that God is in control of the situation, that He has prepared for this time in my life and that He will use this experience to help me grow spiritually even if I cannot see how.

Pray for me...that I will not try to do my work on my own strength but to rely on God's strength, for peace when I feel overwhelmed, for the ability to forgive myself and move on when I make little mistakes that I feel like I shouldn't be making, for wisdom in setting my priorities when I have to decide which case to work on first, for patient to endure this season in my life, for another paralegal to fill the vacancy at our firm who will be a help to all of us, and for God's will be accomplished and for me to learn the lessons that God wants to teach me.

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